2014-08-17 1 Kommentare

The Army Truck

One of the first mysteries is solved. The truck you can see on Harry's photograph seems to be a Ford WOT6


Danish Army Specific: Delivered by the British forces in Germany just after WW II. The trucks were all used and went through a repair-programme at Air Base Skrydstrup before proceeding to the end-users. 
The WOT6 fulfilled, along with the Bedford QL, the Army´s need for a 4 x 4 truck for a long period of time.
Besides cargo carrying role the WOT6 was used as a squad truck for the infantry and as command and control truck.

Historical: Introduced in January 1942 and remained in production until September 1945. Being a 3 ton 4 x 4 truck it was produced to the same broad specification as the Austin K5, the Bedford QL and the Karrier K6. 

Nearly 30.000 were produced, most of them being the GS version. Other types included breakdown gantry, machinery, compressor and house type vans.

Length: 6.07 m (239 inches).
Width: 2.28 m (90 inches).
Height: 3.20 m (126 inches).
Weight: 3.930 kg (8.735 lb.).
Engine: Own V8-cylinder, 3.621 cm3 (220 cubic inches) displacement.
Horsepower: 85 at 3.800 rpm.
Transmission: 4-speed.
Transfer case: 2-speed.
Electrical system: 12 volt.
Brakes: Mechanical.
Tyres: 10.50 - 20.
Fording depth: 
without preparation: N/A. 
with deep water fording kit: N/A.
Fuel type: Petrol.
Fuel capacity: 160 liter (35 gallons).
Range: 450 km (280 miles).
Crew: N/A.
Additional: N/A.

source: http://www.armyvehicles.dk/fordwot6.htm

1 Kommentare

Where is Harry?

This is me searching for my grandfather. There is not much I know about him. He used to be an English soldier during World War 2 and fell in love with my German grandmother in 1945. She worked as a nurse in Prenzlau, Germany where they met at a military hospital. He wanted to take her back home to England, but she was scared and hid. All that remained of him was this small 6x9cm photohraph of him stating „From Harry to Maria with Best Wishes And Love you“ and a baby - my father. My father's stepfather was a jealous man who forbid my grandmother to talk about Harry. She died 30th December 1982 of a heart attack, which left a lot of questions unanswered.

I don't know if my grandfather Harry is still alive but not knowing anything is worse. Maybe there is even some more family out there. I really would love to know my roots. Hopefully somebody recognized him or the story about the Englisch soldier named Harry who fell in love with Maria, the German nurse. So thank you so much for sharing and helping! 

- Sophia 14.08.2014, Berlin - Germany


Ich suche nach meinem Großvater. Es gibt leider wenige Informationen über ihn. Er war ein englischer Soldat während des zweiten Weltkriegs und verliebte sich im Jahre 1945 in meine deutsche Großmutter. Sie arbeitete als Krankenschwester in einem Lazarett in Prenzlau, wo sie sich kennen lernten. Er wollte sie eigentlich mit zu sich in seine Heimat nehmen, doch sie bekam Angst und versteckte sich. Alles was ihr von ihm blieb war dieses kleine 6x9cm große Foto mit den Worten „From Harry to Maria with Best Wishes and Love you“ sowie ein Baby – mein Vater. Der Stiefvater meines Vaters war ein eifersüchtiger Mann, der meiner Großmutter untersagte über Harry zu reden. Sie starb am 30.12.1982 an einem Herzinfarkt, wodurch viele Fragen unbeantwortet blieben.

Ich weiß nicht ob mein Großvater überhaupt noch am Leben ist, aber gar nichts zu wissen ist noch viel schlimmer. Vielleicht habe ich sogar noch Familie irgendwo da draußen, ich würde zu gern meine Wurzeln besser nachvollziehen können. Hoffentlich erkennt ihn jemand oder die Geschichte vom englischen Soldat namens Harry, der sich in Maria, die deutsche Krankenschwester verliebte. Also danke ich dir vielmals, dass du diesen Beitrag teilst und mir hilfst! 

- Sophia 14.08.2014, Berlin